Thursday, April 18

floods & CFs

What a wild and crazy week this has been. Sean and I returned to Chicago on Tuesday morning at 4am and immediately turned on the news. We listened to CNN almost the entire drive home from Oklahoma. So awful and sad. 

We also drove through the craziest lightening and rain storm once we hit Illinois and came home to floods and floods of rain. It has been raining nonstop since Monday night. My commute home today was just nuts! The Chicago River was flooding into our neighborhood streets and traffic was a mess! 

Here is a photo I took on the way home of the river. Usually you have to lean over the rail to see the water like this! 

I then came up to the high school and the sidewalk was completely flooded! There was no way to get through so I had to walk up the high school's lawn, crawl over the wall and climb the stairs on both sides! Luckily there were other ladies doing the same thing and we all helped each other. 

You can see the stairs on the left and a cop trying to direct traffic. It was all a major CF and I am so lucky I walk and ride the train for my commute. 

Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! Xoxo

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